Ashley 03/11/2024 (Mon) 02:34 No.3500 del
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Got it! You're the best boss. I'm so glad you're the leader.
Looks sternly at the pile of goo for no reason in particular.

I'm ready, cast away.

[The DM will do this automatically in the next post.]

Wait wait wait! I just remembered something that makes this whole thing reasonable. I have 40gp because we need to register with the guild... okay wait, that's still complicated because priests probably would have no need to register with the guild and as far as they know we're only 3 unless someone else is coming? no...we're so deep in this nothing-burger puddle already. But all these details will just confuse the dunderheads. So I'll go with your orders!

I'm getting a feeling though my extra special intuition that I'm virtually guaranteed to get in no problem. I mean, it would likely be a 1 in 20 chance not to but I'm no statistician.

So ready ready! Confidence here I come!