Alice 04/06/2024 (Sat) 13:58 No.3873 del
Oi what are you doing you fool!
Alice acrobatically tries to catch the glasses knocked over by Cat without spilling anything [DEX check anyone?]

then pulls Cat by the tip of her ear.
Be a bit more careful, do you wanna decapitate someone with your claws!?

a few drops of cider spill on Alice's brand new yukata but the stains miraculously disappear leaving it spotlessly clean again.
Having finished her biscuit Alice listens to the waitress listing available dishes and slightly disappointed that human isn't on the menu orders a roast chicken with cranberries and fried vegetables. Who knows when we will be able to eat something that normal again?

While waiting Alice curiously eyes Josephia sitting opposite of her, tilting her head.
Say what does a bard actually do? Sing and dance? I've never met one!
Then points at her finished plate only containing a few morsels of food and some gravy.
Also can I have that?