Kimmy Hime#badfox 04/19/2024 (Fri) 03:37 Id: 8b4bd2 No.227941 del
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THERE IS A COMET flying by after April 22nd.
So, to give you an idea of the cosmological events occurring in surprising synchronicity with each other.
1) 2 total solar eclipses over Texas
2) A Texas farmer is raising red heifers to sale to Israel for sacrifice on sermon of the mount.
3) The total solar eclipses BOTH INTERSECT on his ranch while raising red heifers.
4)The IAF is trying to seize the temple on the mount and has siezed it(?)
5)There is a meteor shower happening on the exact same day they plan on sacrificing these heifers.
6)There's a near earth asteroid swinging by 2 months named 'devil comet'
>Named the Devil comet because it appears as though it has two horns
It's going to be 144 million miles from earth.
April 22nd is Passover.
So, they're just replacing the wine with red cow blood.