Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 05:43 No.66150 del
First of all, that's like the smallest part I wrote, you're just going to ignore the rest?
Second, that is just plain wrong.
Marky is still an absolute nobody.
Sam Hyde was never associated with posting on 4chan, his MDE was just popular there too, and it was only later that it was revealed he's some misogynistic piece of shit childfucker.

>they won't let me on the next season of fishtank
And you should be happy for that.
You can't even stop replying to people that clearly hate you here, how the fuck do you think that would work out if you were in a more or less closed environment with a bunch of joksters while being monitored online 24/7?

>i'll be completely unknown and not be able get anyone to notice me.
And why do you think that will be the case?

Your lolita complex and frustration is fucking insane.