Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 06:22 No.66866 del
This is a message to both Samuel and Lara.
Mainly for Samuel to read,as I am not able to send him a message in DMs as he unfriended me and I stopped talking to him for a reason and I really don’t wanna add him back and continue discourse with that clown, but it is directed to Lara.
Sam messaged me these messages in the last few days, based on 0 evidence:

3rd May (7:34):
Why are you trying to contact Lara, Johnny?

7th May (9:31):
Pretty stupid of you to post that, Johnny.

Really, pretty stupid.

God help you, man.

8th May (8th May):
Just for clarification here, and this will be my final comment to you going forward, I'm not even talking about the stupid childish shit you posted about me, I couldn't care less about this. I'm talking about what you posted of Lara.

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