Mot 05/02/2024 (Thu) 04:19 Id: fbaecb No.51472 del
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>Spec's mean words don't exist, they can't hurt you.
>Specs mean words
That's the important part. Otherwise I don't think I would invade someone's thought if it wasn't for malicious intent. Spilling milk so they cry over it.
You can tell me that all you won't, I don't do gay stuff like you do at least. Okay I'll stop calling it gay.

What sort of issues? I'm sure the 6750XT can run the game, DD2's min is 5500XT, just not at full specs if that's what you want.
Pretty sure it was at the beginning of the year, and I think you told me that. As long as you're still employed and it's going well enough is all that matters.