Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 03:51 Id: 20a29c No.51881 del
(196.47 KB 1280x1856 GLIwm8mbEAA8ewY.jpg)
No, it was people harassing me to actually partake in a semi-social activity with them. Something Mot wouldn't understand.
But he could. If he joined me for Lethal Company.
No? The buffed the base level Liberator by bumping the damage up to 70 or something stupid, but the biggest ""buff"" the Penetrator got was a full auto setting. The Penetrator still only does 45 dmg.
>guy doesn't know what he's doing
So every video game company ever.
The gunships. The gunships are horrible, as are the Shrieker flying mob.
