Reader 05/04/2024 (Sat) 15:10 Id: 86ed47 No.22527 del
I often share the sentiment, a notion of moving to familial lands more welcoming of traditions long oppressed by this residing body of land now polluted by ideologies and the idiots who support them. The biggest hurdle is finding the voice to garner a native people's understanding of their own plight. I couldn't imagine a better time, such as how Scotland ridded themself one anti-Glasgow Glasgow, "born and raised" Pakistani sandworm. The common folk ought to have several not in leagues with the worldwide conditioning of breaking the spirit of native peoples into accepting their own defeat, when historical accords tie together stories of said population resisting such pressures. However, we will come to agree how this deliberate destabilization has been the work of a slow and secretive, generation-spanning assault.

Rally what you can with enough guile and grace, layer your words carefully but communicate with the communities that seen aware enough to realize how this can be turned around with enough action. Because when words stop reaching, action begins teaching, and it will teach those on the sidelines to get involved with turning around the direction of this shit that is happening.