Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 05:32 Id: 8a4fff No.93670 del
>I can't imagine being brainwashed by the Jews like this.
I don't worship money. I work for it to pay utility bills. Remember those? The fucking things you couldn't answer on how to pay them with Monero last time.
The fuck do dollars have to do with niggers?
>communist nigger jew bailout dollar
That's (((capitalism))), not communism. The actual result of kikes that shill communism because they don't really want it. They just want university students to be stupid.
You're trying way too hard with this pandering, snake oil salesman. You haven't proven the connection between Monero and Aryans and you have not addressed why Riccardo Spagni is a pathetic brony and was arrested for defrauding Cape Cookies employees of $93,000.