Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 13:05 Id: ee0271 No.93736 del
(177.32 KB 828x922 money laundering.jpg)
>You're wasting effort theorizing on what would happen after removing jews instead of HOW.
Rather I think the removal of the jews is in itself an exercise of the will to exist. And the removal of the jews can't happen without the will to exercise one own existence.

Then surely the jews try to distract, subvert, and corrupt, to divert the europeans from exercising their existence. But here too, the overcoming of the jewish deceptions, is also done as an existential exercise.
Because it doesn't really matter what is the nature of the existential danger, be it a frontal aggression or a indirect subversion, the application of existential exercise must face on and overcome any possible danger.

So regardless of the endgoal, be it total eradication of the jews, or just constant exercise of dominance over existential dangers, both courses of action would require and necessitate to exercise the will to live over what endangers the life of a group of people.

The road to free the european people from the jews, is in exercising dominance over the jews.

Exercising dominance over the jews. Even in the daily small things, by one own little personal effort, with or without inspiring others. Because the populations, the nations, the people, are more of an intellectual concept even if it's rooted in reality, but that reality are the single persons who are part of the group, the persons who act for more than themselves because they understand that the good of their people is their own good, nothing happens or is done without action by the single person.

If instead you're talking only about direct actions in the very short term, to free the european people from the jewish societal poisoning, then that's relatively simpler.
You only need to crash their financial system, make all their ill gotten and fake money and property, which they use as medium for their corruption, to make the whole of the kike finance be worth zero.
After they lose their main method to corrupt, they will be very vulnerable.
After they can't buy and finance the mass medias to deflect their crimes, everyone will see their evil and instinctively act against it.

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