Anon 05/03/2024 (Fri) 03:08 No.10309 del
(77.63 KB 540x629 memoryOrbs!.jpg)
> you should also spoiler gross low-detail cartoon soyjack horsecock image at the bottom of /go/ #1.
Noted. Guess neither of us saw that one.

>I like randomness. I am sometimes disgusted by those who value order so much and have a certain idea about how things should be.
Actually understand this, this is more in reaction to stuff like:
> incl. picrel. Twitter/X matches this description. To a lesser degree, I think 4chan is also like that.
A lot of places are just flooded with low effort shitpposting and anything else is derailed and even attacked while everyone complains that nothing changes but too scared to do it from a crab bucket mentality with a dash of high school drama (sometimes more of one or the other). It varies from thread to thread on how organized and orderly things are kept but you'll notice things are often a bit more abstracted and inclusive while relating to a theme (if a theme is present). The /night/ thread having anything to do with dreams to astronomy to fanfiction related to the night. This thread encourages casual chat but has anything from deep musings to a a recipe for eggnog.

>(The quote "Chaos is a ladder" means that you can ascend the ranks in turbulent or confusing times where truth is not well known or has disappeared.)
True, though my first thought with such a phrase is that chaos shakes up the hierarchy and allows people who otherwise maybe held down or outsider to society be able to take over or rise a bit.

Albeit, as our old BO said, be thankful to be in boring times.

>I remember year(s) ago I learned about Halo lore. I thought it was a "really cool story". Too bad that the Halo TV/streaming series was so shit (as I've heard).

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