Doc 04/14/2024 (Sun) 15:57 No.53723 del
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Well yeah, that would be the path 2.
The difference in path 3 is that you do it to yourself rather than life and you go way beyond what life would, life would only go on insofar as it conditions you for being useful to it, not in freeing you.

The process started when you figured out the world view you were raised to be happy with turned out to be incompatible with what everyone else is doing, and circumstances in the world changed so you could not keep that illusion going.
Can you just adopt their world view and be happy? Actually, no, because you know their world view is also an illusion.
What don't you know? You don't know what really is your current world view and yourself, and if they are even real. Currently they are in a shattered state, made of some pieces of the old world view, some of other people's world views, some of your own ideas.
The process has to go on, questioning and being critical of everything that is false, be things that keep you sane and feeling good, be things that make you feel bad.
Then you get to build yourself a solid foundation with just what is essential to you.