Doc 04/15/2024 (Mon) 20:03 No.53773 del
Just to avoid being called a "vagueposter schizo".
Anti-Individualists: People who believe individual action cannot achieve anything real. Deny or reject agency of the individual. They not only believe that, but they seek to destroy the concept of individual because it is a "lie" that keeps us down. The myth of the hero, of the self-made man, etc...

The social man (as per Rousseau) is a man who defines himself, his own identity, based on what others think of him. He is the result of the denial of the individual agency.

The "essential" motivation behind this (and the final outcome they seek) is the need to be loved/accepted/understood unconditionally/regardless of who you are. If there are no individuals, everyone has to love you. Etc... it's the concept behind the "Human Instrumentality" (Evangelion, hence the goo people gifs).