Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 08:26 No.54125 del

I'm not that up to date on all this nerd shit anymore tbphwyf. This "man" looks like a "german" soyboy with testosterone levels in the negatives and I'd not trust him with anything ever. Sorry for being so mean but I had to stop the video after 8 seconds, it's that bad. But yeah a 4080 is obviously going to be great if you can afford it. Nvidia's high end cards have historically been kinda power hungry and sometimes too expensive for their performance but they're definitely worth it for intensive usage like 3D rendering

Yeah, probably. It's hard to let go of them, though. And it's not like my "expectations" consist of owning hundreds of sports cars and my own private island. It's pretty humble stuff really. But yeah I get it