Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 05:27 No.64167 del
hey Cewl
>is the appropriate culture on raising a boy is like in america or "the west" but here
In the west is not that different, maybe more subtle? But yes there is some expectation that girls are more responsible and boys can act retarded and rude
>im not saying males want women to act like this inherently
yeah it's mostly bias from the environment and culture
>he doesnt THINK to help
this is the problem and a good trigger for introspection - of course when it's THAT bad you can't self-detect it on the spot, but maybe looking back or asking people around you... People you care about
>his steam deck is charging
>i do believe a man can help with a womans both physical and mental load
yes... can and should. At the end of the day especially in a long-term relationship you gotta help each other and COMMUNICATE.
>the painting due tomorrow
you are selling it? Or for an exhibition? Or just an internal deadline?
>my 2 exams i have tomorrow
good luck Cewl I wish it goes well

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