Anonymous 04/22/2024 (Mon) 17:15 No.64825 del
beautiful Cewl

>esp girls are so mean when they find an easy target
yeah it fucking sucks and it's mostly one or two very mean people and the others just join the group to feel like they are on the strong side or just avoid being targeted

>i study by writing
based based based!!!!!!

OK brothers and sister you triggered me talking about studies so here it is the ultimate guide for learning anything (not true I mean technical subject matter)

1. BE PASSIONATE. this should be obvious but hey that's why it's a golden rule. You MUST genuinely be interested in what you're studying. I know, it's unlikely you find 100% of your lectures and topics SUPER interesting but if you hate most of it what the fuck are you doing with your life go study something else bro / sis
2. PAY ATTENTION AT CLASS. Yep. You MUST learn during class. Get there with enough energy and focus (not easy I know!) and the INTENTION to learn. If something is unclear, ask. There is no dumb question. If it doesn't work during the lecture, GO FIND THE LECTURER and ASK, he's there to TEACH, GO.
3. DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND. What I mean is: do not take shortcuts in your learning path. You are here to UNDERSTAND. You are not here to memorize or to learn how to pass a test. Something must click and you have to KNOW you are mastering the topic (we will see later how to do it). This means no handwavy halfassed illusion of understanding. IF YOU KNOW YOU KNOW. If you don't, you shouldn't trick yourself into believing you know. This takes more time at first but is a HUGE time unlock all things considered.

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