Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 12:22 No.68391 del
(376.37 KB 1080x1080 bruh.jpg)
>Be woman
>Write about molesting your little sister for years
>Don't receive any punishment
>Instead get multiple acting jobs, starting your actress career
>Media praises and supports you and wishes you well
>Nobody mentions what you've done
Isn't this fucking insane? Purely for having a vagina. She's not even a attractive, a fucking 2/10, so it's not Lookism, i's purely female privilege.
Any time you want to question the insanity of women's actions, just flip the genders. So imagine if a man wrote about fingering and kissing and molesting his little sister, and h*llywood started offering him work as an actor. THAT's how privileged women are.