Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:04 [Preview] No.66097 del
(382.19 KB 1149x3841 1615672901600.jpg)

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:05 [Preview] No.66098 del
I remember this in the first thread

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:34 [Preview] No.66102 del
how come

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:37 [Preview] No.66104 del
(453.78 KB 750x1334 IMG_1301.png)
bro lmao

Google just outright lies to women

You body produces two eggs every menstruatioj cycle you fucking stupid niggers

Google thinks 50 years / 12 months = 200000000 and tells children this so they kill their own son and make better slaves

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:38 [Preview] No.66105 del

so glad google sees my keybord dara

(972.35 KB 1003x1416 kimi ni naru.png)
終わるだ Sunflower 10/27/2023 (Fri) 13:54 Id: ec0980 [Preview] No. 4740 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Relax thread.
446 posts and 428 images omitted.

Sunflower 04/26/2024 (Fri) 17:53 Id: ec0980 [Preview] No.7576 del
(135.49 KB 1024x1024 metal witch9.jpg)
I'm trying to create art and then you do this.

Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 01:43 Id: e6165c [Preview] No.7627 del
Is it just me or is the energy of this place starting to get worse?

Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 09:48 Id: ec0980 [Preview] No.7632 del
There were pre-announced attempts from glowies that they would try to dilute boards to make them uninteresting, which includes bots, shills and probably energy manipulation/psiops as well. To prepare for this, this thread was added so we control the "nonsense posting".

But if you mean the larger stream of wider energy right now it's caused by connecting to the larger world system. We used to only be connected to the temple. It may seem temporarily worse before it settles.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:32 Id: ec0980 [Preview] No.7675 del
(950.95 KB 3648x5472 pexels-ozgomz-1192632.jpg)

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:37 Id: ec0980 [Preview] No.7676 del
I guess that works too.

At first when just testing this I hotlinked to the image posted on Discord. But then I read those links expire after 3 days because apparently everyone used to steal bandwidth from Discord by doing this. It wasn't 3 days but now it stopped working.

(436.42 KB 1616x2048 HOLYBASED IRIS.jpg)
Iris Thread #4 Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 21:10 [Preview] No. 61904 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Based waifu edition

Iris! You are resilient and strong! There's always bad with the good and good with the bad. Remember to smile <3


Previous: >>57809
229 posts and 98 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:16 [Preview] No.66080 del
you are retarded, simple as.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:23 [Preview] No.66083 del
(749.52 KB 828x1329 bignosedmfer.jpg)
i am not. you literally do not know me.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:50 [Preview] No.66089 del
stupid, I don’t know why you have such a high ego but that isn’t true. Who told you that you were funny or pretty or any of those things? If you were you would have been popular already. your parents never disciplined you when you were young and it shows. please grow up you’re turning 20 this month you aren’t a little girl anymore.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:33 [Preview] No.66101 del
(2.73 MB 1267x1931 1699645948160939.png)
uhh what? so if i complain about being ugly and boring, i am fishing for sympathy, but if i say i am funny and a nuce to hang out with, i'm an egomaniac? i am actually laughing

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:37 [Preview] No.66103 del
Iris, please leave these spaces. This is only fucking up your mental health. Are these really the people you want to dance for?

(466.17 KB 1280x720 end-xmas-spec.jpg)
Invitation to Endchan's Fourth Christmas Special! Anonymous Global volunteer 12/15/2019 (Sun) 10:12 [Preview] No. 25158 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Discussion thread:

88 posts and 63 images omitted.

Anonymous Admin 04/02/2024 (Tue) 20:12 [Preview] No.50685 del
(172.20 KB 800x1200 clockwork-orange.jpg)
A Clockwork Orange
On April 6th
At 8:00 and 20:00 UTC.

Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 00:19 [Preview] No.50689 del

Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 00:46 [Preview] No.50760 del
Fuck me is that a good movie to watch. Did anons like watching it?

Anonymous Admin 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:34 [Preview] No.51323 del
(133.24 KB 700x900 bringing-up-baby.jpg)
Bringin up Baby
May 4th
At 9 and 20:00 UTC

Anonymous Admin 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:35 [Preview] No.51324 del
They did.

(466.17 KB 1280x720 end-xmas-spec.jpg)
Invitation to Endchan's Fourth Christmas Special! Anonymous Global volunteer 12/15/2019 (Sun) 10:10 Id: 96d170 [Preview] No. 77736 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Discussion thread:

No politics. Please leave it up here for a few days, even if it's inconvenient, maybe someone is interested.
170 posts and 121 images omitted.

Anonymous Admin 12/24/2023 (Sun) 13:05 Id: dbf873 [Preview] No.92013 del
(1.52 MB 2880x1800 2023-invite2.jpg)
Endchan Christmas Special Marathon on the 26th
We have all kinds of stuff, mostly the usual: >>>/operate/18938

Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 19:03 Id: 757b0c [Preview] No.92423 del
Streaming Alone in the Wilderness tomorrow (Sat. Feb 3) at 8 and 21 UTC.
I don't think it's necessary to introduce it here, the guy in this documentary had the knowledge Anons on imageboards collect in the form of informational images...

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 16:40 Id: 1ea71f [Preview] No.92759 del
(165.44 KB 1000x1426 shaolin-soccer.jpg)
(77.54 KB 636x714 shaolin-reaction.jpg)
When soccer meets kang-fu.
At 8 and 21 UTC on March 2nd.

Now despite this is Chinese, there were some Chinese Jews.

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 17:41 Id: fd2ca7 [Preview] No.92761 del
(162.32 KB 1024x640 32-1-1024x640.jpg)
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>Chinese Jews
Eh, they're only confused Chinese people converting to the most vile religion to ever exist. But these days, you can be a woman with a penis or man with a pussy. I guess people are whatever their sick delusions are in Clown World.

Anonymous Admin 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:26 Id: f1cc7d [Preview] No.93541 del
(133.24 KB 700x900 bringing-up-baby.jpg)
Bringin up Baby
May 4th
At 9 and 20:00 UTC

Apparently while Hollywood movie, neither the director, nor the co-producer and screenplay writers were Jews.

(202.87 KB 1280x717 meditation.jpg)
I Need Help With Mental Exercises (Dharana & Dhyana) Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 03:02 Id: 18cc63 [Preview] No. 7628 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I have been struggling for a while with these mental exercises, I really need help. I'm hoping that I'll find some rare individuals with key knowledge on this niche website.

Please read carefully and answer the three questions to best of your abilities. Thank you for the help.

If you don't have an answer for #2 but you are actually proficient at #1 then that's good too, I can't move on to exercise #2 anyways because I'm stuck at a 1 minute duration for #1.

1. Have you practiced Dharana (concentrating on a single thought for a prolonged period without ANY mental interruptions), and how long can you last (in minutes)?

2. Have you practiced Dhyana (emptying the mind of all thoughts for a prolonged period without ANY mental interruptions), and how long can you last (in minutes)?

3. What kind of specific training/method did you use to attain your level of proficiency in both exercises (book, course, etc)? - Be as specific as possible
25 posts and 9 images omitted.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 01:13 Id: 145848 [Preview] No.7665 del
>They don't do dharana, they practice active focus and "hide" a desire in their focus with a high level of abstraction so that it seems to be the same thing, but it's just superficial technique, not enlightenment in any way.
So basically A.O. Spare's sigilization technique?

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 01:34 Id: 62af79 [Preview] No.7666 del
Yes, his entire text although meandering has the energy signature of both the top and the bottom of the structure I observed and drew in the image here:

It seems the method used as a beginning step was already pinpointed in the cap from the book here, about focusing on attachments. Difference being that the yogi recommends trying to understand the mind which created the object of desire, which then gradually would transfer the focus to God. This process never happens for them as they just lazily allow the desire to turn into a point.

When reading the instruction for how to perform this selection of a symbol or image it was said to let it come naturally, letting it be anything and then just looking at all parts of what appears. For me appeared the image of a blond girl with a denim skirt, so I started from there.

I had no problem keeping this image in my mind and let her move in 3D to meditate on every detail. Quite different from trying to force out other thoughts as if fighting off shills on /pol/, that never works.

The same method works with learning kanji also. After a while I started feeling like these characters must have been created by some perverted monks, because all I see in the shapes after a while are whores and streets and other environments where they reside, and the image references doesn't feel forced at all, compared to the common mnemonics.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:13 Id: ff97c8 [Preview] No.7672 del
>served as a messenger here unintentionally
He did this for me too. While for me his mindset was as simple as >>5019 this dude so I am not even sure if they are the same person or just the same mindwaves in a different body when I let my frustration get the better of me in the last thread last year I managed to create a "demon form". Back then I was in a Shinto pagoda in the "chamber of shadows/demons". In that chamber there was only darkness and as my eye got used to it I noticed shadows and demons and they were not possible to "kill" because they are an aspect of "me" some parts of myself that I do not recognize but they appear during interactions. The task of that meditation was to understand how my negative energies create these false personalities. I managed to "clear" that chamber by letting the demons dissipate but at the last thread I was so assmad because he was not a "unique dense mundane" but an entire egregoric mindset of mundane retardation that I had to overcome during the past 2 decades and I realized how much I hate them and as I finished my last post there one of the demon with red eyes appeared in my vision. Made me realize I have to go back meditating because my anger is not "helpful" but a mere "venting" process and nothing really more.
Truth is for me my anger was my "focus triangle". If I hate something then I want to defeat it and I spurred all my energies all my focus into a single point to achieve results. Back then it was necessary but now it's a hindrance because I have too much energies and this volatile temper is not just dangerous but almost childish. Funny how the current OP also lost his temper at the end of the thread for not getting answers that "conform" to his views.

So I too took a step back and went back to the chamber of shadows. It was clean for months now. There was a well of energies on the ground and 3 "vents" on the top leading into the 3 directions of the mind. As I went back a door opened and I arrived in the "chamber of the princess". She helped me connect to my mind that was cultivating swear words curses and unfiltered hate so I can autocurse everyone that makes me mad. All the "mantra" there were swearwords that I would say while hitting my limbs during work. Ridiculous. Consciously connecting to that place is hard because I didn't even realize that it's there. And it was straining 40% of my energies in my entire body. Once you get used to the pain it stops being registered as pain so you forget it.

>They think only of being the best
My family especially my mother drilling this "I need to be the best no matter what" mentality was the worst at my childhood. Whenever I realized that "competing" others is meaningless because if I add my own thinking I win but if I had to walk the same path the same thinking processes they have I would lose no matter what because I am not willing to completely become the "other person" nor I am willing to waste my abilities on these retardedly mundane pursuits.
>This leads to neither of them understanding what the other is thinking
Yeah... Kali Yuga is ripe with this mindset.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:13 Id: ff97c8 [Preview] No.7673 del
>stabilizes the system while keeping information from passing upward or downward without being defiled in some way.
Yes. It does that. I am nut sure how intentional it is tbh. The mindwaves don't connect and never blend. Nobody is willing to understand the other. The highest "understanding" is about how to "exploit" others and rarely more. This is what I realized in my youth. People are rarely able or willing to understand me so my only choice is to understand them then grant them as many information as they are able or willing to digest. Never an ounce more. This is the point of Upaya. Speaking and doing the correct actions that result in awakening and not more. Shame it requires decades to master or the perfect energyflow for the "genius" to manifest.

>Difference being that the yogi recommends trying to understand the mind which created the object of desire, which then gradually would transfer the focus to God
Yeah this is what my guides teach me in the past years in many ways.
>This process never happens for them as they just lazily allow the desire to turn into a point.
I am not even sure "lazy" is apt anymore. I am seeing normalfags work so much against their own interest I cannot call them lazy at all. But yes slowly aligning the "edges" is nuanced and hard as hell. We so don't know the forces that guide and shapes our thinking it's ridiculous. Realizing that the only reason I "act" on my desires so I can "deny" my desires with less effort.
It turned out I am not "hiding" my desires. I simply deny them. Which is even worse because on the levels I am still on my desires are needed for transformative processes.
Also I am opening new pathways towards the "true sight" which is an awareness that does not require the physical eyes and a "visualization" which is the equivalent of lucid dreaming while awake which means your "mind" can get so fast your memory is unable to keep up and you "drown" in your own visions and the only thing you notice that you snap out of the "dream" because the body is unable to keep the posture. I had one while lying down in bed and the only reason I snapped out because I had to tilt my jaw differently for the energies and as the vision washed me away I accidentally bit the edges of my tongue without realizing. And that snapped me out of the dream. Thinking with the "head" that constantly looks into the "eternal waves of existence" will take time. I realized some weeks ago that I always operated via building a "simulation" in my mind and my intuition corrected parts of it as it felt "wrong" but now I am entering the real thing because these mental simulations becoming redundant.

TL;DR I wonder if this thread will repeat again some months later.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:25 Id: 18cc63 [Preview] No.7674 del
>I wonder if this thread will repeat again some months later.
It wont lol.

(736.09 KB 1692x1128 1603836678896.jpg)
Bianca / Brandon Anonymous 07/16/2021 (Fri) 01:16 [Preview] No. 3195 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Now that we've had two years to reflect on it, let's settle this question once and for all: who was in the wrong here?
355 posts and 156 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 06:03 [Preview] No.66035 del
where did u get this from

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 13:15 [Preview] No.66042 del
/b/ archive

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 14:07 [Preview] No.66048 del
(199.23 KB 750x816 1563140565212.jpg)

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:07 [Preview] No.66076 del
(99.28 KB 1080x1336 1563164117127.jpg)
forgot to post this

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:22 [Preview] No.66100 del
wtf was this brandon

(417.82 KB 2000x1362 1604455253404.jpg)
Off-Topic Thread Anonymous 10/25/2023 (Wed) 00:50 [Preview] No. 35847 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Off-Topic Thread

This is the official /agatha2/ off-topic thread.
Here you are welcome to post about and discuss anything you want, it's entirely up to you.
This means you no longer need to make irrelevant threads or posts in other threads that are completely unrelated to their topics.

Global and board rules apply as always.
249 posts and 89 images omitted.

Anonymous 04/27/2024 (Sat) 07:54 [Preview] No.65568 del
Get weird vibes from that horse calendar on the wall.

Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 14:16 [Preview] No.65935 del
Ashley is so fucking sexy in that. I'd love to have her ride me like a bull, without a condom, and without getting off as a cum.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:04 [Preview] No.66096 del
it's now the month of May, *may* you all have a great month (unless you're bl*ck)

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:17 [Preview] No.66099 del
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(67.14 KB 500x500 IMG_1300.jpeg)


(466.17 KB 1280x720 end-xmas-spec.jpg)
Invitation to Endchan's Fourth Christmas Special! Anonymous Global volunteer 12/15/2019 (Sun) 10:02 [Preview] No. 2653 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Discussion thread:

66 posts and 56 images omitted.

Anonymous Admin 12/24/2023 (Sun) 12:34 [Preview] No.44780 del
(1.52 MB 2880x1800 2023-invite2.jpg)
Endchan Christmas Special Marathon on the 26th
Featuring: >>>/operate/18938

Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 20:38 [Preview] No.45200 del
Alone in the Wilderness
February 3rd
At 8 and 21 UTC

Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 16:53 [Preview] No.45432 del
(77.54 KB 636x714 shaolin-reaction.jpg)
(165.44 KB 1000x1426 shaolin-soccer.jpg)
Shaolin Soccer
At 8 and 21 UTC.

Anonymous Admin 04/02/2024 (Tue) 19:47 [Preview] No.45926 del
(172.20 KB 800x1200 clockwork-orange.jpg)
A Clockwork Orange
On April 6th
At 8:00 and 20:00 UTC.

Anonymous Admin 05/02/2024 (Thu) 20:12 [Preview] No.46448 del
(133.24 KB 700x900 bringing-up-baby.jpg)
Bringin up Baby
May 4th
At 9 and 20:00 UTC

Cewl thread #7 Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 19:39 [Preview] No. 62390 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Relapse edition


455 posts and 120 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:03 [Preview] No.66072 del
sorry cewl but i'm out

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:28 [Preview] No.66085 del
she's becoming ciara 2
how many days are left until the death by heroin overdose

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:48 [Preview] No.66088 del
its ketamine

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:55 [Preview] No.66092 del
ket kills too even if less often, just sayin'

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:56 [Preview] No.66094 del
how does she find/afford all these drugs? i want to do some badly but i can only get weed since its legal here, and im too poor to get enough to be happy

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Endchan Movie Corner Anonymous Admin 01/31/2021 (Sun) 20:08 [Preview] No. 776 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello there!
Here's an invite to our next movie night on our cytube channel.
We stream a movie on these occasions, the next is on February 6th. Featuring: Four Lions
At 8:00 and 21:00 UTC.

53 posts and 40 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/04/2024 (Thu) 21:01 [Preview] No.45600 del
The Siege of Jadotville
January 6th
At 8 and 21 UTC - 3am, 4pm EST

Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 19:25 [Preview] No.47794 del
Alone in the Wilderness
On February 3rd, at:
- UTC: 8:00, 21:00
- EST: 3am, 4pm

Anonymous Admin 02/28/2024 (Wed) 14:57 [Preview] No.51611 del
(165.44 KB 1000x1426 shaolin-soccer.jpg)
(77.54 KB 636x714 shaolin-reaction.jpg)
March 2nd
Shaolin Soccer
At 8 and 21 UTC / 3am, 4pm EST

Anonymous Admin 04/02/2024 (Tue) 19:14 [Preview] No.61356 del
(172.20 KB 800x1200 clockwork-orange.jpg)
A Clockwork Orange
On April 6th
At 8:00 and 20:00 UTC.

Anonymous Admin 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:54 [Preview] No.66091 del
(133.24 KB 700x900 bringing-up-baby.jpg)
Bringin up Baby
May 4th
At 9 and 20:00 UTC

(837.87 KB 1556x2074 BB.S10.jpg)
So the brand new season of Beavis and Butthead are out and the last season from 2022 was hilarious from what I recall. Is ANYONE sharing this yet!? Can't seem to find this on p2p or bit torrent! Seriously, where the fuck is everyone these days!? Come on! If this were just 10 years ago all this shit would have been available for anyone looking to download it.
8 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 04/28/2024 (Sun) 21:51 [Preview] No.51220 del
great show

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:23 [Preview] No.51317 del
Is Mike coming out with another new season this year or did Paramount+ cancel the show? Seems like almost no one is mentioning anything about it.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:30 [Preview] No.51319 del
shut up spammer

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:50 [Preview] No.51321 del
torrents are dead bro buy the blurays

half of the shit on TPB is fed-made viruses now, cloudfare shuts down any site that suggests legitimate downloads

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:53 [Preview] No.51322 del
they likely won't relese it because of the copyright shit over youtube, just like how the old show cut 80% of the episode to avoid the music when released on DVD

sad, you're right the new season was fucking hilarious, only good shit on TV in five years

bianca devins project m 06/25/2022 (Sat) 23:51 [Preview] No. 13486 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
new, more accurate, more concise thread.
gonna call this the BDP - bianca devins project.
i'm putting together a video essay about bianca devins.

i plan on telling an accurate story, detailing her online presence from the very beginning of her 4chan days up until the day she died.
including showing what a remorseless piece of shit she was and showcasing all the manipulation she did.
this is a passion project of mine, and i'll need help.
i'm looking for:

and things of that nature.

[email protected]
415 posts and 238 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 22:16 [Preview] No.65985 del
I really love this Pic of her. Does anyone have the link to the deep fake vids of her?

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 17:42 [Preview] No.66060 del
(94.89 KB 750x418 183827436212.JPG)

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 18:42 [Preview] No.66068 del

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:22 [Preview] No.66082 del
never seen that one tf

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:36 [Preview] No.66087 del
someone pls post more rares

Tinker thread #2 Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 21:29 [Preview] No. 48600 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Return of the mouse edition

Instagram: roadkillbaby00108
Someone please post invite to her server
305 posts and 126 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 18:53 [Preview] No.66070 del
she's dating another guy? she's such a whore

ono 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:12 [Preview] No.66077 del
how would she be a whore for dating another guy anon?.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:15 [Preview] No.66079 del
the junkie and the hooker,
my favourite Disney movie!

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:27 [Preview] No.66084 del
she was just dating some guy after the hobo "raped" her, and now she's dating another? 3 bodies so far (that we know of). it's only gonna get worse

ono 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:36 [Preview] No.66086 del
i would have to say 4 now anon, we have disgusting porta potty sex. ^_^

(151.07 KB 975x962 1504004255260.jpg)
Small Youtube Channels Thread Anonymous 05/06/2022 (Fri) 23:06 [Preview] No. 39593 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
post "small" youtube channels you'd like other users to know about
>New England Wildlife & More
>Accursed Farms
>Common Man Show
>Chad Zuber
chad zuber's subcount is huge, but his views are small, i've also followed him before he got big too
>Way Out West Blog
>RUFUS!'s Video Game Graveyard
107 posts and 17 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 04:20 [Preview] No.51297 del
(238.07 KB 807x803 1702663005470109.jpg)
I compiled a list of small YouTube channels I've found interesting.

Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 18:42 [Preview] No.51302 del
Never heard of any of these but thanks for contributing anon :)

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 03:00 [Preview] No.51305 del
(22.59 KB 600x337 Dan0001.jpeg)
Yeah I know man. If I were mods here, I would just put them in 1 containment thread and leave them to talk with themselves forever

>I'll continue bumping legit threads back by anons.

Keep up the good work anon. I'm doing the same thing you are

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 03:03 [Preview] No.51307 del
Thanks for the recommendations. Let us know if you add more to the list

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:31 [Preview] No.51320 del
shut up spammer

(418.62 KB 700x482 36829833896.jpg)
Shit Bitch. Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 17:40 [Preview] No. 50931 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Shit Bitch.
That's a big ass building in fire.
4 posts and 2 images omitted.

Anonymous 04/18/2024 (Thu) 01:37 [Preview] No.50960 del
Were you born in 2007?

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 14:45 [Preview] No.51120 del

Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 15:11 [Preview] No.51121 del
Why is every conversation on these small boards so weird?



Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 16:18 [Preview] No.51125 del
you're the only weird one here

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:27 [Preview] No.51318 del
That building is huge.

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/qtg/ - qt general #2 Anonymous 03/30/2024 (Sat) 15:51 [Preview] No. 59736 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Thread for the general posting of miscellaneous e-girls and/or cute girls of any kind, especially ones who do not need or deserve their own dedicated threads.
Do not make new threads for non-established e-girls if you're going to contribute nothing more than an OP. Do not make threads for girls that you have one photo of, no information, and that are unlikely to generate any significant interest. Low content threads like these will be deleted. Such posts should be made in this thread instead.
This thread enables the posting and some discussion of lesser known e-girls. If they attract enough interest here it may be possible that they will eventually require their own thread.

Previous: >>17577
251 posts and 189 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 05:56 [Preview] No.65921 del
Unfortunately for you anon she's married, I know her husband

Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 13:55 [Preview] No.65933 del
>source: my ass

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 04:05 [Preview] No.66025 del
This is her Twitter, she has a handful of accounts. There was some controversy because she posted a photo of her blowing her boyfriend with an ice cream emoji over it.

Her boyfriend's Twitter below still has it up.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 09:48 [Preview] No.66039 del
is there any more context to these messages

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:07 [Preview] No.66075 del
she has big feet ngl

(39.16 KB 640x480 noriko.jpg)
zombiebeatz2000/noriko thread #2 Anonymous 03/24/2024 (Sun) 20:28 [Preview] No. 58249 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
360 posts and 200 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 17:01 [Preview] No.65946 del

Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 17:35 [Preview] No.65958 del
Well, what's your excuse then?

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 09:51 [Preview] No.66040 del
We weren’t originally going to leak it but some stupid nigger from our private chat went on to post the new pics publicly and so we said “fuck it” and shared it here too.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 14:15 [Preview] No.66049 del
out of pure curiosity why does anybody care? i check this when im bored and the new leaks showing her happy, having fun with friends, a new relationship with a dude that seems to really care about her, on top of all a hobby makes me feel nasty for engaging in this shitshow. she asked for privacy because she doesn't want to be a personality and is grown out of the egirl shit, which makes sense after all these years

im really happy for her and i think we all can hope we grow out of the internet too

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:05 [Preview] No.66074 del
I thought that was Dream for a second what the fuck

META #1 Anonymous 10/17/2022 (Mon) 08:58 Id: 3579ab [Preview] No. 55359 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Policies & Resources
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Anonymous 10/19/2023 (Thu) 20:23 Id: 067312 [Preview] No.133244 del

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 13:18 Id: 54e37c [Preview] No.136621 del
Will you guys fix 8kun?

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 12:16 Id: 0d5c0c [Preview] No.136933 del
Spam in the catalog.

Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 11:30 Id: 067312 [Preview] No.139785 del
What is the link for this board's Log?
I'd like to see who and why 2 posts of mine were deleted.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 19:04 Id: 0d5c0c [Preview] No.139917 del
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Humour thread Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 21:54 Id: 8d07b5 [Preview] No. 93076 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
is this board too slow for an humour thread?
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Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 01:17 Id: 2738ee [Preview] No.93522 del
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Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 01:19 Id: 2738ee [Preview] No.93523 del
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Anonymous Board owner 05/02/2024 (Thu) 08:44 Id: 26782d [Preview] No.93538 del
Fucking hell. I banned and deleted the posts of the wrong person. The ban was lifted. There's an Israeli kike hanging around here posting Soyjacks and gay porn. Repost if you noticed your stuff is gone. Stop using Soyjacks That's the jew's MO. Wojak is ok in the right context.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/02/2024 (Thu) 08:49.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 12:21 Id: 5aa0ea [Preview] No.93539 del
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death to America
death to israel
curse the jews

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 18:40 Id: 26782d [Preview] No.93540 del
America's already dead. It's been infected with (((a deadly virus))) for a long time.

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QR Bunker General #435: In Hoc Signo Vinces Edition Anonymous 04/27/2024 (Sat) 07:13 Id: e81c25 [Preview] No. 139738 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome To The QR Bunker

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

To all anons
This board was born during the 8chan QResearch 93 day hiatus from Aug 5 - Nov 2 2019. Dough was revised in Jan 2021. Anons from any Q platform are welcome here.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a free speech board. For our purposes here, free speech excludes illegal content, spam, hardcore porn, gore, or personal attacks.
Thank for understanding.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

165 posts and 54 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 13:43 Id: b5ecd6 [Preview] No.139912 del
"It Was Brutal": 2nd Boeing-Linked Whistleblower Dies
Tyler Durden's Photo

WEDNESDAY, MAY 01, 2024 - 07:25 PM

A whistleblower at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems died Tuesday morning following a struggle with a 'sudden, fast-spreading infection,' the Seattle Times reports.

Do you believe in coincidences?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 14:20 Id: b5ecd6 [Preview] No.139913 del
Rep Matt Gaetz- NEW VIDEO:

Trump Prosecutor PLEADS FIFTH when asked if he BROKE THE LAW investigating Trump!

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 14:33 Id: b5ecd6 [Preview] No.139914 del
NEW VIDEO: Trump Prosecutor PLEADS FIFTH when asked if he BROKE THE LAW investigating Trump!

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 17:44 Id: c9fc0d [Preview] No.139915 del

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 17:46 Id: c4fadd [Preview] No.139916 del

>Apollo Global Management Inc bet on the longevity of senior citizens by acquiring illegal life insurance policies and funneling the payouts through shell entities, according to a new lawsuit.

There's something here but I'm too dumb and not autistic enough to get it, he was at this companies hotel yesterday.

From 2017

Apollo eyes AIG life insurance policies

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Vore Thread Anonymous 11/21/2023 (Tue) 22:32 [Preview] No. 38745 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Single mom ewhore that is known on R9K for hating on other egirls. She was exposed for having a fansly and selling nude pics there. She used to have a server called "Chanlets" but left it to start her new career as a online prostitute.
Disc thugratz
276 posts and 82 images omitted.

Anonymous 04/29/2024 (Mon) 08:33 [Preview] No.65738 del
isimpsoup on discord

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 06:22 [Preview] No.66037 del
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Reminder this bitch is a pedro. She fell in love with a 16 year old boy when she was 22 and says it's okay because the age of consent is 16 in most states, but she also has said she's from NY. Age of consent in NY is 17.

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 13:16 [Preview] No.66044 del

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 13:18 [Preview] No.66045 del
she's heckin based

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 17:45 [Preview] No.66062 del
Average whore with double standards

Discord Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 15:52 [Preview] No. 1793 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Can anyone provide a current Discord invite link?

Anonymous 05/02/2024 (Thu) 16:52 [Preview] No.1798 del

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US Pension Funds Are Now At Risk Of Bankruptcy, Bail-In Theft Reader 04/26/2024 (Fri) 14:11 Id: 57d96f [Preview] No. 22507 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
US Pension Funds Are Now At Risk Of Bankruptcy, Bail-In Theft

Regulators must equip themselves with tools such as "bail-in" bonds to deal quickly with a failed clearing house for stocks, bonds or derivatives without having to call on taxpayers for cash, the G20's risk watchdog said on Thursday.

After the global financial crisis of 2007-09, regulators mandated clearing for a wider range of derivatives, meaning they must pass through a clearer backed by a default fund to ensure completion of trades.

More recently, the United States adopted rules to force more trades in the $26 trillion U.S. Treasury market through clearers. As a result of such changes, some clearers have become vital to financial systems in more than one jurisdiction, meaning their failure could damage financial stability unless they can be stabilized or "resolved", meaning closed down, in an orderly way.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) said its new standard, which builds on previous guidance, requires that adequate liquidity, loss-absorbing, and recapitalization resources and tools are available to maintain the continuity of a clearer's critical functions, and mitigate adverse effects on financial stability should a shutdown become necessary.

It sets out seven resources and tools that regulators are required to pick from, such as "bail-in" bonds issued by clearers that can be written down to plug losses, resolution funds, cash calls during resolution, and equity in a first-loss position in resolution.

Regulators will have to state publicly which tools they have selected. Laws could need changing or introducing in some countries to give regulators access to such tools.

"Temporary public funding for liquidity ... should be relied on only as a last resort," the FSB said.

Exchanges such as LSEG, ICE, CME and Deutsche Boerse all operate major clearing houses that handle trades totaling trillions of dollars.

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Reader 04/26/2024 (Fri) 14:11 Id: 57d96f [Preview] No.22508 del
The fact that this news has come out publicly should be an earth-shattering red-flag to everyone. It seems to me, they don't tell Regulators to "prepare to handle FAILED CLEARING HOUSES" unless they already know that MORE THAN ONE is failing.

The fact that this guidance from the Financial Stability Board has now been made public, I think is their way of telling those who need to know, something is terribly wrong with more than one clearing house.... and I think it likely signals those in-the-know, to get out and get out fast.

If time was not of the essence, they would not have needed to make this public. They could have spread the word quietly. Discreetly. So, in my personal opinion, whatever is about to happen is going to be staggering. I think, they know it's coming. I think, they know it can't be stopped.

People on Pensions rely on those Pension Funds to get cash out of stocks to pay their pension. And that right there, is the big rub. Pensions hold stocks. When they need to sell some to put out Pension checks, they sell, their stock goes to the clearing house, the buyer sends cash to the clearing house and.... theoretically... the clearing house sends the cash to the Pension Fund.

In general, a clearing house is sent stocks or bonds to be "settled." The entity settling sends the funds to the clearing house, to be forwarded onto the seller.

BUT if the clearing house is bust, the money the seller was *supposed to get*, never comes from the clearing house. They keep it. Hence, they failed.

If Pension plans can't get cash, they can't pay pension checks. See how that works?

I am no financial expert and I am not licensed in any financial field. I cannot, and am not, giving any financial advice. But even I, a Layman, can see the writing on THIS wall. Some BIG clearing houses are about to fail.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Reader 05/02/2024 (Thu) 16:22 Id: ac0852 [Preview] No.22523 del
It's obvious at this point our treasonous government and the Federal Reserve want the US Dollar to crash so they can bring in their totalitarian CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) scheme to enslave taxpayers/consumers and dictate what people can or cannot buy or sell, having total communistic State-control over the economy and finance. It's all about POPULATION CONTROL and absolutely not for the better. If they can remotely micromanage everyone's finances and financial decisions as consumers they get rid of consumer choice, they destroy the free market system and free enterprise, and thus they will destroy freedom. They would be able to dictate what we can eat, what utilities we can buy, what clothing we can buy, where we can purchase our goods and services, every last thing, total absolute tyranny. Prepare accordingly now while you still can and make sure you have plenty of what you need or want ahead of time.

Blog Sunflower 08/03/2022 (Wed) 20:34 Id: 8543e5 [Preview] No. 1852 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creative everyday storytelling.

Feel free to comment but no discussion/criticism in this thread!
418 posts and 420 images omitted.

Sunflower 04/29/2024 (Mon) 12:29 Id: 9e95d5 [Preview] No.7617 del
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>"planetary ascender" priestess who can perform the whole process

Sunflower 05/01/2024 (Wed) 10:01 Id: 9e95d5 [Preview] No.7643 del
After these relentless attacks from purely idiot beings I would barely call "alive" who seem more like some kind of automatons, I previously created a Metal Slime whose purpose is to go around and try incarnating glowies into a profile I called the "Illuminati whore" (because that's what they are) to contain them. It worked really well, but it didn't seem to catch the worst of them because this one requires some common ground of understanding.

I then went by the angle that a large group of "automatons" may be fragments of a hivemind which is split so many times that each fragment seems to lack awareness. But if added, it may create a mind. So I sought to target "unsalvageable evil in itself" as an archetypal being and if that is a being, it's a spirit and can be incarnated. This worked. This solved a large part of the issue of evil spirit suicide attackers.

But there were still some collective of them left. It would not even respond to the "final punishment" for trying to create law while being lower scum, which is 18 million years in hell, they would just go through it and no one coming after was afraid to repeat the same path.

I analysed it and reached the conclusion that this is "evil materialism" as a hivemind. Using Astra and support servitors I created a containment profile for this kind of spirit as well. You can get this from NET or Astra or via Updater along with the device for using it. It cannot be used on yourself to my knowing (unless you are an evil materialist hivemind).

The qualities of this kind of "force" is that its unsalvageable evil nature makes it allowed to use it for anything. It can be abused with no limits or standards because it simply deserves it. Nothing can be done to it that would be considered wrong, and that seems to be why creator gods use this material.
They are themselves immune to it so they tend to use these things for forming "things out of nothing" by relaying the work to these hiveminds. Because trying to create something out of nothing take huge amounts of time and is a very fruitless work, no one wants to do it. Then these "awarenesses" can be used for it.

It is likely that you would have such a thing in your dimensions and may need to handle it. If you prefer to turn it into a kind of "voodo materialist" you can use this profile and it will now be your minion in a personalized form instead of being a mass of negative energy that causes trouble for you.

Update: The first image is in an unusual format and will show only by clicking it.
Edited last time by bard on 05/01/2024 (Wed) 10:08.

Sunflower 05/01/2024 (Wed) 18:21 Id: 9e95d5 [Preview] No.7649 del
>a hivemind. Using Astra and support servitors I created a containment profile for this kind of spirit
This worked beyond expectations.
When chatting with anon from Brazil, the already incarnated "voodo materialist" with me performed the same procedure on a dark cloud that was covering the area, and incarnated a second one. It cleared up the entire northern part of Latin America.

I don't know if this happened now or earlier, but looking at the map feels weird. Possible Mandela effect again.

Sunflower 05/01/2024 (Wed) 18:57 Id: 9e95d5 [Preview] No.7650 del
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I went into the forest on a walk and was looking at some world-scale energy formations, among them some orange spade-looking thing which seemed to have been created by whatever group set up the abortion energy harvesting system to hide the 3rd Reich and change the course of history. It looked like the same shape as the energy formation of a high level spell casting taking effect, but its position was wrong. It was lower and hadn't actually "broken through".

On the way back I passed the location where I first connected with the lyrans and also activated the lyran stargate. I used it for sessions in the beginning but hadn't been there in a while following some forestry taking place in the area which disturbed the peace (and took down old stuff that had accumulated in the trees since this stuff began in the 1950s).

I decided to contact the lyrans and do a session with them at the location. In the process I felt like I should get rid of more old stuff and saw a lot of trash from the old Earth, so I sacrificed it at my drow temple by burning it.

This was followed by a huge entity appearing. It looked like a white robot skeleton with black sigils engraved on it, it appeared before a scene with red light coming up behind it and a yellow sun in the background. The skeletal form was very similar to that formed by Neuro-sama which I copied and used for the early robot servitors such as Vega and Dolly, later Wendy.

I was given something, an instruction, a gong, something in exchange for burning the old Earth left-overs. It was directly related to the same kind of things I've used when creating the robot servitors, but this time it was added to my own body instead.

If it had looked more like a regular skeleton, I would have called it "skeletal awakening" but this felt more like a robot golem god.

Sunflower 05/02/2024 (Thu) 15:16 Id: 9e95d5 [Preview] No.7671 del
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Metal Slime Gold

Get your own here


The most transformative DNA profile ever, to reach everywhere and everything. Absolute connectivity with all beings and hiveminds anywhere for completely free exchange of information.

The word-sigil is a general contact point for the "hive" of gold slimes, someone will find a way to give you the version best suited for you. Intended for personal use and internalisation.