NEET 05/01/2024 (Wed) 08:01 No.848256 del
I had a good opportunity with a girl in the library who was sitting nearby. She kept smiling at me. I thought about talking to her but kept stalling out of fear. She was playing some anime themed game on her tablet which was odd because she didn't look the type. It looked online and I was telling myself I'll wait for her to finish the game before approaching her so as to not interrupt it. When I got that opportunity I stalled again because I wasn't sure what to say due to the need to be fairly quiet in the library. I should've just slipped her a note or something with my number but I didn't. I got distracted by my reading and she vanished by the time I looked back at her.
The second was a woman around her late 30s which was odd. I could tell she'd have been gorgeous when she was young and was still very attractive. We were walking in opposite directions. She stopped and made some remark about my tie. I was quite nervous so I said "yeah" before powerwalking away. She had a strange accent. I think she might’ve been a Yugo or something. There are quite a few Croatians in Adelaide.
The third smiled at me as I was walking past. I went up to her and started talking to her. She was sitting but it was a fairly high up table with a tall stool so I could remain standing and talk to her without it being weird. I was really nervous despite her being about a 4/10 and smiling so warmly. She had big brown eyes too. I sperged out hard in such a way that I'm too embarrassed to describe it in much detail. I didn't say anything vulgar or terribly embarrassing but some spaghetti was spilt.
One of you told me to "just slog through it like a mad cunt" back when I was talking about dropping out of highschool in 2017. I guess that is very broadly applicable advice and what I need to do with my autism here.