#7PeDpY 05/16/2024 (Thu) 10:24 No.28368 del
Well, you shoving your projections at me is crazy.
I'm talking about I never lied about my own life in general, you dolt. Are you seriously that blind?
I've only said the stupid cats were "real" so you can back the fuck away from my HUMAN parents. I didnt want you doxxing them, and reposted pictures aren't enough.
I tell you I live in Mack City to fuck with you.
And I DONT want to be called a SHITTY FUCKING JOKEE THAT ISNT EVEN FUNNY NOW. This Megan thing was for funsies, not to make fun of people
>n-not for the-
You have crap art on Deviantart, you shouldnt be talking
more normal than you replying to me dozens of times. do you ever sleep?