Mot 05/05/2024 (Sun) 04:27 Id: 38fbf7 No.51698 del
(32.09 KB 637x478 dicktater.jpg)
Wait, now I don't remember if I bought potato flour or potato starch. Maybe it was starch. Whichever the Asians like to use for fried chicken.

I usually go for yellow or Yukon Gold just because they're more versatile than the other two.

Does it work well for you?

Sounds like you got a bit of Irish in you. Oh and it won't necessarily be the same texture, but it sounds like it's not something that will bother you either.
I haven't looked into it honestly. Wouldn't surprise me.

Why not?

Tbf, what Tsuchi is saying is right in a way. It will be the starch from the russet potatoes, but you do need to mash some of them up too so more of the starch is released. Like using beans in a soup to thicken it up by mashing them.
It wouldn't work as well with yellow/gold or red potatoes as they don't tend to have as much starch.

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