Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 07:37 Id: 10b575 No.92706 del
I know these posts are years old at this point, but I would like to point out that the conflict that said invasion started ended in a geopolitical quagmire that is still not fully resolved almost 21 years later. The major goal of the coalition was to provide Israel with a safe attack corridor to Iran. It has failed at this objective and Iraq and Syria are both Iranian proxies.

The rapid movement warfare of the kind the coalition used in 2003 also aided in the creation of several massive insurgent armies that would make the occupation a difficult task that the body politic in the US simply gave up on before the end of the decade. The industrial style grinding warfare that Russia is employing will essentially mean any Ukrainian dissidents that would other wise form guerilla forces during the Russian occupation would have already been killed in the conventional war. It is no secret that Ukraine is running low on manpower, and when the formal declaration of surrender is given, there will be little insurgent activity behind the Russian occupation zone.
This is also a factor at play here. This is essentially a genocide of slavic males, especially those from Ukraine.