Anonymous 02/24/2024 (Sat) 07:54 Id: 10b575 No.92707 del
(156.17 KB 960x891 YourNationOnJews.jpg)
There is no explicitly pro-white/pro-European government in power anywhere at the current time. Here is how it breaks down

>the EU and US government are both explicitly anti-white and zionist/pro-jewish hemogeny
>they actively pursue and encourage replacement migration
>Russia is anti-white, but they have no imported millions of shitskins into Moscow.
>They do not hold pride parades in Moscow.
>They do not worship niggers nor do they have entire months dedicated to niggers. Their popular media is reminiscent of the West's media from 40 years ago in that there are almost no non-whites.
>they have aided Syria, which was the victim of CIA/Mossad operations like FSA/ISIS. Syria can be viewed as an anti-Israel arab nation.
>they (Russia) are very closely aligned with Iran, including sharing military technology
>they have implicitly endorsed the Houthis, who have explicitly taken a stance against Zionism and the Israeli project

Bottom line here; a Russian victory in Ukraine would be in our interests purely because it would deal a critical blow to the credibility of western military and economic power, which is the cornerstone of jewish power in the world. It would empower states like Iran, Syria and Yemen, and it would embolden China to begin operations against the west. Overall, it would weaken the jewish power structure in the west, to the point to where there could be a reasonable chance of domestic uprisings occurring against western governments due to the economic hardships presented by the loss of the west's global homogeny.