Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 20:49 Id: 41c8dc No.92763 del
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>Bottom line here; a Russian victory in Ukraine would be in our interests purely because it would deal a critical blow to the credibility of western military and economic power
Only in your dreams as i know what jewtins duma had done before 2016 to anyone who dared to make at least petty nationalist movement.
I saw the constant amount of churkas and MOSQUES ON THE FUCKING CAPITAL WITH NIGGERS
I saw dugins faggotry and another hunts on anyone who dared to be anything but a nazbol faggot and especially i saw and even in my nation saw the practices of dedovshyna
>which is the cornerstone of jewish power in the world. It would empower states like Iran, Syria and Yemen, and it would embolden China to begin operations against the west
Same shit but different colour you accuse the western zog
Remember tianamen square massacre happened because han cinks were protesting the niggerization which we suffer since 2014
Just because they "support" muslim nation it doesnt mean they are allies like ussr showed during early days of israel where despite being buddy buddy of arab springs leaders they did everything to undermine them so they can get rekt by israel
>Overall, it would weaken the jewish power structure in the west, to the point to where there could be a reasonable chance of domestic uprisings occurring against western governments due to the economic hardships presented by the loss of the west's global homogeny.
For that you dont need offensives or another meaningless change of zionist colour
Just 2019 in iran showed nobody wants to get drafted in any of the nations and ukraine war showed the same with russia and ukraine itself
Tldr this but expanded >>92757