Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 12:21 Id: 18cc63 No.7636 del
>Thanks for bringing this up, maybe this will be useful.
You're welcome, thank you for any advice or suggestions. I'm hoping that I can finally find a solution in this thread.

>depends on what you mean by concentrating and "interruptions". I can hold a single though in focus such as "I am" and repeat it now and then without anything else entering the focus, but I am aware of other thoughts trying to enter from the edges of my mind, I just don't have to react on them.

By concentrating on a single thought I mean something like visualizing a red triangle or contemplating the nature of the sun (what it does, how it works, etc).

By interruptions I mean having the red triangle you are visualizing turning yellow or getting a random flash of another visual in your mind that has nothing to do with the visualization you are trying to focus on. Or having a random thought like "I'll have pizza for dinner" pop into your mind while you are contemplating the nature of the sun.

>but I may pick this up as it can be a useful skill
I think it's actually a requirement if you want to be able to do "physical magic" one day. By "physical magic", I mean magic that can cause actual changes to physical reality, magic that you can test and observe with your physical senses. Like altering the temperature around you and testing that change using a thermometer (an experiment suggested in the book I mention below).

The training I'm trying to do is from a book called "Initiation Into Hermetics". It's a heavily exercise focused book that is very detailed, but I hit a wall at the 1 minute mark for the dharana exercise that I've never been able to get over no matter how many days I spent doing my exercise routine (as outlined in the book).

So I'm trying to find some specific method of training these specific exercises so that I can advance to the next level of training.

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