Sunflower 04/30/2024 (Tue) 21:31 Id: 145848 No.7642 del
Yeah IIH is pretty well known around the /fringe/ boards.

For the exercises you don't actually have to completely master them before moving on to the next step, especially the first ones like cold showers and skin scrubbing since they're basically just there to instill discipline. The most important thing is visualization, when I was working on this I would look at a physical object and then close my eyes and try and hold the afterimage as vividly in my mind for as long as possible, this worked very well for training. Going on walks and making a point to hold the entirety of your focus on your entire visual field is also useful.

The really useful techniques from Bardon start around step 4 I think with the vital energy exercises. Those are very powerful. He gives examples of physical kinesis with the elemental exercises but that's only really possible after years of practice or a major breakthrough, the main function of the elemental meditations are to train the ability to visualize the feelings of hot, cold, lightness, and heaviness.