Sunflower 05/01/2024 (Wed) 20:50 Id: 18cc63 No.7656 del
>and that person said:
>"I'm trying to deadlift 200kg, I just started 2 weeks ago and I can't find any method that works. I want to be able to do this in 2 weeks. Do not respond if you haven't gone from the couch to deadlifting 200kg."
Nice attempt at a strawman.

No, that person said - "I'm looking for an effective routine that progressively gets me from where I am to 200kg"

But then some guy comes to his thread and says - "It doesn't work like that, you have to do these specific exercises for years and then you'll wake up one day able to deadlift 200kg, either way I don't test for progress over time because deadlifting 200kg is something I don't care about and it's a skill I'm not interested in having."

You have zero self-awareness.

Please go read over your own responses to see how ridiculous you sound.

You've made it seem like progress can't be tracked at all, and effectiveness cannot be gauged at all, and on top of that you said that you haven't "deadlifted 200kg" nor have you "tested how much you can deadlift", and nor do you care either, which makes every response you make in this thread worthless garbage that doesn't help the person who "wants to deadlift 200kg"