Sunflower 05/10/2024 (Fri) 20:13 Id: d71e68 No.7758 del
>>7756 [Embed]

I never really found out what is right think here.are there like al list of tenets?.I never really changed my thinking so it must be that i'm aligned? maybe.The closest thing i hear was described as "anti faggot".I don't necessarily agree with everything here although i always agree with the spirit of things. for example the whole seeing a muslim priest thing never happened to me obviously. I was very pro "russia" before even really the right was (over ten years ago) but that was specifically more thinking putin sounded more coherent/intelligent.years ago i heard that soul was replaced and i lost interest in russia.(for the most part).Anyway in the few dreams i had sunflower related i got along with the "boardowner" persona which is how i actually measure these things. by how well i can be around them instinctively.I'm extremely aggressive/mad either by nature or past life traumas or some shit so if i get along even in a dream its usually a rare sign. Aside from lolis which i'm nicer towards. however the video clip can apply as well.