Sunflower 05/15/2024 (Wed) 21:58 Id: 645240 No.7806 del
>According to his political history his party was a communist party in the 90s and then picked up some nationalist policies
That is a regular thing in eastern Europe.
Yeah they might had a hand
>there are literal vampires in that organization
Yeah Slovakia is a favored location for them.
>In my view if you work for the EU you are an EU politician
Yeah the "for the EU" part is questionable. We are trying to push towards country sovereignty because since ww1 they balkanized the region so much if any "independent" country steps out of line suddenly every country turns against them so political maneuvering is more hazy since that. Hard to be "anti-EU" because it sounds like you are against yourself instead of some retards in power. But ofc that would mean I am still adhering or a slave to the "rules" of the system when every higherup disregards it.
>The moment they set foot in their parliament their brains shut off
Yeah very few has real charisma.
>were anti-establishment, then one month after being voted in they are parrotting NWO talking points word for word as if they had a chip replaced in their brain
Yes those are ACTUAL controlled opposition. The thing was that he was like a mild controlled opposition then went against the policies while under constant fire. He was not hell bent on keeping his promises but tried to push through. But yes many of his actions were somewhat questionable because he had backing from different parties that are not really in the "public view".

>freeze peach
I fucking hate that term.
>is controlled opposition

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