Tamamo 05/15/2024 (Wed) 09:19 No.4304 del
>This shipment is going to be quite profitable in fact, so I'm offering extra incentive to get your blood ready for some excitement and even more potential to let you invest if you have any spare coin or supplies to trade. They're especially lacking in adventurer's gear at Barthen's Provisions and mining equipment at the Phandalin Miner's Exchange. They're offering 25% over retail for items in good or better condition. It's a rare opportunity to make a little extra.

We should have borrowed money from the guild to buy stuff to trade but I guess it's too late now?
5 gp each would be 15 gp. Not much but at least something. What if we give the money to Gundren now? I'm sure he can still buy some profitable goods today. Sold with a 25% return we'd get 3 gp. Not much but every gp counts!