It crosses Bear's mind to kill the other team but they need to be alive to fulfil their assassination mission and their obligation, which means, at least Garrus and Aurra need to live. It would also be in bad faith to non-strategically do a death blow on anyone else and if one of them dies Bear would probably help them. [Round 1] As the match begins Aurra and Ember both become invisible. Ember begins the match invisible with a burst of speed and uses Dash as a bonus action. Ashley calls out her location which Ashley can see confuses her. She attempes to zig zag and Ashley's trained on her, she realizes that she won't be able to get to Ashley as JuJi [the panther] can also somehow see her. She settles for Firebolt at Ashley [1d20+4=23][1d10=1] as soon as she gets a clean shot which shows her location to everone then disengages and hops back 10ft into some bushes and hides with stealth. [1d20+14=15] but fails to hide for Freya and Ashley who can see her until her next turn. Since Ashley can see her, so can JuJi, Helga and Helena. Ashley takes 1 fire damage. Ashley then makes her move and calls rally growth [Helena, Helga AC+3, JuJi AC+4 until next turn and +50% damage] she considers sending JuJi after her first, Ashley knows Ember will maybe use Skirmisher after JuJi gets a shot at her and completes the turn, which she won't if she has moves left, so that's out, she can get owned by JuJi and then at least one of the Lynxes who can reach her before she does, or she can use Uncanny Dodge as her reaction unless she has some other reaction on her. Clearly it makes sense to Have JuJi get behind her and wait for Helga to get there, then they can both attack with advantage since they can see her through their connection to Ashley. So JuJi gets into position opposite Ember and Helga moves and uses pounce with advantage due to flanking. [1d20+4=(22,21)] [CON 1d20+2=6 vs DC14] Helga hits with her claw attack and Ember fails her constitution save so Helga gets to claw and then bite and Elber and Ember is grappled and knocked prone. Helga holds her bite until after JuJi attacks with advantage [1d20+4=(18,17)] [CON 1d20+2=22 vs DC14]. Helga then bites as a bonus action [1d20+4=(10,9)] but hits only leather. JuJi hits but Ember resists the additional magic damage for JuJi. Ember uses Uncanny dodge against the highest damage attacker JuJi and Helga manage [(1d4+3)x1.5 + (1d6+2)x1.5/2 = 10+5] damage and Ember is grappled by Helga and prone. Autumn uses Madness Curse on Randeous [INT D1d20(2,7) vs DC12] and he is cursed for [1d10=10] turns and [1d100=91] is knocked unconsious! The cheers are deafening from both Autumn's team and the crowd. Bear casts Zephyr Strike, moves to Ember and [A1d20+8=(22,19)] hits her with his Great Maul of the Uven Rune with reaction for necrotic damage and dreadful strike and force damage from Zephyr Strike for [3d6+6 + 3d6 + 1d4 + 1d8 = 31 damage] and she's down to 2 HP! He then moves back into his previous position to protect his team. Freya uses one platinum coin and all of her 6MP focus plus metamagic, two more MP, to cast Mini Molten Missiles as a bonus action. Eight darts fire off [1d20+7=(11,10),23,*1*,*27*,25,18,25,18,(*27*,15)] Two go toward Ember one misses the other hits critically for [6d4=17] damage Ember is unconsious with -15HP. One randomly goes off course and hits Bear for 4 fire damage. The rest are directed at Garrus, triggering his Hellish Rebuke [DEX 1d20+3=14 vs DC13][1d10=3] and she takes no damage anyway, she's immune to fire. He takes [4d4 + 6d4 + 16d4 = 64 damage] Freya smirks as the crowd erupts in even louder cheers! Garrus is down to 13HP. She then casts Mini Molten Missiles again against Garrus [1d20+7=20,*27*,(13,16)] and uses tides of chaos to gain advantage on hit for one that would have missed [1d2=1] triggering wild magic which [1d100=23] turns her skin a brilliant shade of red. For a total damage of [4d4+6d4+4d4 = 29] knocking Garrus out. Garrus currently has -16 HP. The crowd is beyond thrilled at this miraculous opening round. This spectical is unheard of, and they begin shouting "Kill them all!" [The crowd in attendance already hated their team.] Aurra is left alone against impossible odds and ends her invisibility. She concedes before Gwen takes her turn and performs Aid on Garrus. Gwen sees this and does the same for Ember. Stabilizing both of them. The match was over in 6 seconds. Everyone is beyond stunned, they rush the field and all cheer the amazing group that not only beat Garrus' team but did so in the first round and without help from anyone or anything. Ashley feels a presence and then sees Theilia behind her. She spins and smiles up at her [Ashley is short], "How'd you like that huh?" "Johanna said I should come and witness this event. She tends to know things ahead of time. I didn't know what to expect and honestly I wanted to help if I could but I see now why Johanna needed this witnessed. Your team is incredible, miraculous even." "Yeah, we're pretty OP," Ashley admits. The rest of the conversation is drown in cheers as Garrus's team is removed to the guild to recover. [XP calculation even split]