Fairy 01/21/2016 (Thu) 14:28:36 No. 59 del
(67.97 KB 502x387 N1wblNL.png)
I never participated in these thread before, so might as well now

>Race: God
>Talent: None
>Potential: Marisa-Tier
>Fashion: Traditional
>Element: Wood
>Spellcard: Massive Attack
>Stage: 2
>Relation: Mastermind's Servant/Associate
>Power: http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Self-Exertion

So I guess she would be a low tier forest god capable of manipulating wood en masse but with zero innate talent to speak of she doesn't know how to make good and efficient use of her power and thus ends up being another Cirno and be easily beaten by the player character on second stage.

But if she were to devote herself to training then she would surely emerge stronger in the next touhou game she appears in given her huge potential, but that's unlikely with Zun, especially with a mere second stage character.

One interesting thing about her would that she would fly by pulling on her own hair and change directions by waving her arms, which would make the character quite comical, hence another Cirno.