07/16/2024 (Tue) 10:10 No.3801 del
1066 Usury to William I who needed to borrow large sums of money to consolidate position as King of England
1144 Child sacrifice William of Norwich (blood libel)
1168 Child sacrifice Harold of Gloucester
1181 Child sacrifice Robert of Bury
1255 Child sacrifice Hugh of Lincoln
1290 Expelled from British soil
1348-50 poisoned wells in Europe (Bubonic plague)
1656 returned England via Cromwell
1798 Rothschild (Ashkenazi) predatory banking cartel founded
1814 Funded battle of Waterloo (both sides)
1815 NW Rothschild made 'millions' from early Battle information/market manipulation
1914 Financed WW1
1938 Financed WW2
1940 Rejected AH’s ‘Appeal to reason'
1945 Bombed Dresden via Churchill
2001 War in Afghanistan to benefit Isreal
2003 War in Iraq via Blair (9.11/WMDs)

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