07/16/2024 (Tue) 10:18 No.3806 del
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jewish religious texts (not just the talmud) say its okay to fuck 3 year old kids.
the most popular piece of semi modern jewish literature https://ia800908.us.archive.org/31/items/AbrahamAbulafiaAStarterKit/scholemholiness.pdf
is about how committing sin up to and including child rape 'brings you closer to god'
the goyim also notice 90% of jews can't even type the word God on the internet, you say things like "g-d" and "xmas"
pretty easy to figure out what your god is.
>Tikkun olam (Hebrew: תִּיקּוּן עוֹלָם, lit.'repair of the world') is a concept in Judaism, which refers to various forms of action intended to repair and improve the world.
you know it is in the nature of the jew.
likely related to their inbreeding and predisposition to hearing schizo demon voices in their heads.