07/16/2024 (Tue) 10:23 No.3814 del
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1468 A.D. — At Sepulveda, in Old Castile, the Jews crucified a Christian woman on Good Friday upon the order of the Rabbi Solomon Pecho. (Did. de Colm. Gesch. v. Seg.)

1470 A.D. –In Baden the Jews were convicted of the murder of a Christian child. (Tho. Patr. Barbar.)

1475 A.D. — In Trent on March 23rd (Maundy Thursday) before Passover, the Jews sacrificed a 29-month-old baby, St. Simon.

1476 A.D. — The Jews in Regensburg murdered six children. The judge, in the underground vault of a Jew named Josfol, found the remains of the murdered victims as well as a stone bowl speckled with blood on a kind of altar. (Raderus Bavaria sancta Band III, 174)

1480 A.D. — In Treviso, a crime similar to the one in Trent was committed: the murder of the canonized Sebastiano of Porto-Buffole from Bergamo. The Jews drained his blood. (H. Desportes, Le mystere du sang 80)
1480 A.D. — At Motta in Venice the Jews killed a child at Easter. (Acta sancta I. Bd d. April 3)

1485 A.D. — In Vecenza, the Jews butchered St. Laurentius. (Pope Benedict XIV Bull. Beatus Andreas)

1490 A.D. — At Guardia, near Toledo, the Jews crucified a child. (Acta sancta I. Bd. d. April 3)

1494 A.D. — At Tyrnau in Hungary, 12 Jews seized a Christian boy, opened his veins, and carefully collected his blood. They drank some of it and preserved the rest for their co-religionists. (Banfin Fasti, ungar. br. III. Dec. 5)

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