The Official (((RockingMrE))) Doxxing Thread Anonymous 03/21/2019 (Thu) 20:33:37 Id: e1a674 No.74 del
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I am sure many of you on 8/pol/ are familiar with JewTuber RockingMrE, "right-wing SJW" and shill extraordinaire.

I believe I uncovered his true identity.

He is a "freelance journalist" for the (((Epoch Times))) and apparently he has worked as a substitute teacher in Wales and had a failed business back in 2007.

A member of the Welsh (((Lazarou))) family originally from Cyprus. They own a chain of hair salons, but "Cid" seems to be estranged from his rather large Cypriot [Dönmeh?] family.

Tass Lazarou (d. Apr. 2009) was his father.

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