Anonymous 01/01/2022 (Sat) 21:03:18 No.33860 del
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Recently Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi has this trope though executed in an unimpressive way and ends on an annoying cliffhanger.

Heike Monogatari, also recent (last season) centers around two old men 4D chess players, it's on a much higher level and executed very well, to top it off it's beautiful.

Psycho-Pass I think might have parts like this although it's been so long since I've seen it that I can no longer really recall if it's a major focus.

You could poke around the Lupin the Third series as it's usually about Lupin attempting to outsmart his opponents (people he's trying to jack)

Gundam kind of has Amuro and Char as rivals but ehh.

If you really want to stretch the criteria, Madoka+Rebellion is kind of about this, insofar as the protagonist has to outwit the villain in order to win instead of through sheer brute force.

I wish I knew more. It's a really cool trope but not enough stuff tries to execute it in a clever way. You could also take a look at Fukumoto's manga works, like Buraiden Gai, since you like Kaiji and Akagi.

Speaking of Akagi, you could also try to learn Mahjong, and rewatch it, so it actually makes sense.