Anonymous 03/13/2023 (Mon) 05:32 Id: 2433a3 No.406 del
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That's fine! Browsing these threads, and Komica, I see that replies can take a while, and I'm okay with that.
I did have a nice weekend, and hope you did too.
Where I live the average summer temp is ~40c, but can get as high as 50. In the winter it's much nicer, at around 20c. In the summer I just try not to go outside.

Yeah, over the last week I actually learned that housing there, and in Hong Kong, is insanely expensive, and that parking can cost as much as a house itself sometimes.

I've known Fox since I think 2012, so a little over a decade. It's been a wild ride.
Over the years it's been a lot of fun to interact with people from all over the world on image boards like this. How long have you been on forums like this?
I did have a nice day, I went out with friends, and got a nice sun burn. How was yours?