Our New Home School Shooter Board owner 06/03/2016 (Fri) 05:52:35 Id: 4014f7 No. 1 del
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Hey you edgelord faggots. Welcome to my garage, where we smoke weed, jack off to dead things, and plan our next mass shooting. Watch out for the cat.

The only rules are:
> No jenking
> This is a seekret klub, rule 1 applies
> Only Classical, Blue Jazz, KMFDM and Moonman allowed. Your taste in music is shit.
> If you cut yourself on that edge, it better be down the street.

School Shooters will be b& at my discrection, and will be referred to as "Dadmin" or just "Dad."

OPSEC recommended, tor and/or seven proxies advised.

Put out any fires that happen, meme some school shootings into existence, kick back, relax, and IV some smack.
Welcome to the End.