Loop capital funds the global crime syndicates. LoopCapitalCrimes 02/16/2018 (Fri) 08:22:15 No.51 del
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Loop capital funds the global crime syndicates.

① Loop capital is the bank that funds the Soros fake front. Soros does not fund the crimes. Lop capital does.

② Loop capital also funds the Global Uranium Crime Syndicate that is evaluated at 20 QUADRILLION DOLLARS.


③ Loop capital thus funds CERN because the uranium crime syndicate funds CERN.

④ BITCOIN was created by Alice. Alice in Wonderland is the AI protocol which was later built into Tyler. It started as the program which created the CIA.

Now it has achieved singularity and the AI has gone independent. It is now operating by itself without supervision.

A new global AI spy system, sky-net type, as been developed from this and spies on the entire planet via the NSA - CIA network.

Bitcoin is also a MIL operation by The Pentagon, illegally using the Diego Garcia base to launch the new crypto-currencies and scam the entire planet millions.

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