×Quick Reply 09/03/2023 (Sun) 07:36 No.352 del
He deleted his pixiv account since they ended up terminating his fanbox due to some vague violation he didn't want to deal with explained in the 1st image. He has since moved to Fantia https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/491401 I already grab his new stuff monthly so no need for anons to pay for them since fantia's system will only grant access for the month you are paying for so unfortunately you can't pay for the single 500 yen plan and scrape everything like with fanbox. I was hoping that Kuronegi would post the 2nd image before I ended up posting the new stuff on exhentai since it's missing on kemono.

There were some added clauses for prohibited materials for fanbox creators back in December 2022. Looking at the link https://policies.pixiv.net/en.html#fanbox it might have been this clause that might have been the reason for closing the fanbox account.
> When using the Individual Services, Creators shall not publish Posted Data or Posted Contents that fall under any of the following, or direct Users to external online storage services or other external web services, etc. for the purpose of publishing such Posted Data or Posted Contents. If the Company determines that a post falls under any one of the following, the Company is entitled to request that the registered Creator revise the post or make the post private in whole or in part, and depending on the circumstances, the Company may cancel the Creator registration of the relevant Creator.
>Obscene or excessively deviant sexual expression;
I remember that they backtracked on the no lolis/shotas allowed rule for fanbox but the other clauses were kept.

Only speculation but since unagi also stated that he had to age up his characters to avoid having his art removed from fanbox this year, something feels a bit off even if ckaoto is able to get away with it for now. Twitter has also been more aggressive at suspending accounts when it comes to lolis even if the artist goes at of their way to censor large portions of their art that have exposed cunny. 2023 doesn't seem like a good year for lolis.