Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 12:19 No.100016 del
>You clearly have little to no idea what you're talking about.
When someone is trying to ask for clarification on something, that generally means what the greentext says.

For the other stuff I certainly do know what I'm talking about and can confidently say that you, me, and anyone else who interacted with her within the last 6 months are on a watchlist.

>she was my friend
From how you're described, you were a near perfect match for the type of person Puka was into. So you getting teary eyed that things fell apart between you and her - a girl half your age - is weird. Malding at her no matter the reason to the extent she gets mad is also dumb: you don't help anyone like that and I know from personal experience to the extent I'm barely a frend now.

You definitely weren't a friend btw, you were a frend and she calls everyone who's nice to her that. She barely knew you and she takes a long time to actually trust people. So if she somehow trusted you with something then it's because you manipulated or groomed her. Given your track record I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it was manipulation. I'm glad you fucked things up because you shouldn't be around any female, let alone one as vulnerable as her.

>and either look really stupid or really smart...
It's the first one but you looked really stupid even before saying this so it's okay I forgive you.

>you talk similarly enough
I know I'm a hypocrite, Friend, but with the amount of typing you do I'd imagine if you were an OW player it'd be like 10 years since you last played since you type so muchly.

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