Anonymous 03/08/2022 (Tue) 01:42:58 No.10638 del
Look at it this way. Yes, she died young, but it was a accident as a result of negligent drug usage. Plenty of people do drugs every day for decades without dying. She was too reckless and arrogant to take proper precautions because young people feel invincible, especially already unstable young people. But looking at her life overall, Ciara made huge strides in becoming a better, more well adjusted person. Did she get transformed into a perfect citizen? No. A good person? Not even. But she improved a lot, besides the anorexia which only seemed to worsen. But in the end most of her sadistic traits were gone. Not all, but most. I'm not under any delusion that she was ever going to become a great person or that if she hadn't died she'd be perfectly happy and functional by now. I think even if she had been successfully narcanned again she would end up killing herself afterwards either purposefully or on accident. But she did make a lot of progress. Not that its worth anything.