Doom 11/02/2024 (Sat) 20:42 No.109959 del
I'm saying that doing what you do online, whether it involves posting nudes or not, is going to attract a certain type of guy.
I'm saying that being an e-girl you're going to mostly, perhaps even exclusively draw in mean spirited spastics and desperate losers.
What are you talking about? I'm not Doom. Who's Doom? I have no idea what you're talking about about. Take your meds.

Also, I'm not trolling Vamp, I'm being sincere with the shit I say well keeping a healthy distance. If wanted to troll her I'd be working behind the scenes and probably not even use the name Doom, just sayin.
When did I laugh at her btw?

I told her that she should stop posting on sites like this and 4chan because it's bad for her mental health(A piece of advice I give many younger people who still have a chance in life that are wasting it), I've given her some solid advice about not holding onto hatred and letting it poison her heart towards others because it will only lead to further pain, which she seemed to take to heart... I... I think that's pretty much it really. Oh, I compared her to a the art of an artist who was traumatized by the things he saw in ww2/the holocaust because she wears her emotions on her sleeve at times and it's obvious she's hurting inside and all that yet still manages to be beautiful in her own morbid way.
Little pretentious, but I meant that.