Anonymous 03/27/2022 (Sun) 16:20:46 No.11303 del
(7.21 MB 854x480 kaiser Franz.mp4)

After only a month of Franz leaving many anons woke up one morning to see the board nuked
All threads were deleted exept for one and you were locked from making any new threads
This thread lasted till 8ch as a whole was deleted and was the souce of alot of anger towards Franz, He was the one that wanted it deleted and Dejif just followed what he said
No one knows the exact reason for the deletion but he said something along the lines of he was trying to help us all move on and be happy with our lives, to stop being creeps on the internet and be good people of the world
Something like that, Franz had a very pretentious way of speaking on the board which he didn't have on Discord


With that ends the story of /agatha/, /agatha2/ was born soon after with Pammy as the BO and it slowly fell out of "The Franz Peace" and became just like the threads on /r9k/ alot of oldfags left during this time

That's the story of /agatha/ and Franz, there are many more details and things I'm probably forgetting but that's the general idea of it, I have a shit ton of saved stuff in folders so if anyone wants something specific or anything, I'll give it up