Anonymous 03/28/2022 (Mon) 01:08:35 No.11322 del
i get where you're coming from but the truth is that these girls are desperate. they don't seem it and it's hard to believe from afar but marky and erica and ciara and sunny were all always vying for men's attention online because they couldn't get it irl. they're not conventionally attractive (even if I like some of them, I know this) and they usually have obsessions with their fleeting youth. so ofc the first guy to come their way irl will get them. even if they're garbage. which they are and will continue to be for most of these girls. the only exceptions so far are muffy and ken i think, but even ken's ex became a nut after they broke up and i domt think muffy actually got married. very few of these girls will have good relationships