Anonymous 08/16/2022 (Tue) 14:21 No.14621 del
The people saying she could easily find a rich guy to bag her probably think having 60k in crypto saved up is “rich.” Actual rich people almost always come from rich families and care a great deal about prestige, intelligence, and being able to impress their friends. Kaya is below average in looks, especially these days, even if she appeals to us as a niche that fetishizes the youthful FAS nymph thing. Most people aren’t attracted to that, and plenty of us have admitted a big part of why we’re attracted to it is because it feels attainable and non threatening.

As someone who comes from old money (I get none of it, sadly), I can promise you, there is no rich man who would ever want anything to do with Kaya. She is frumpy and looks completely not put together. She’s a mess mentally and physically. She’s going to a boring bumfuck college with large acceptance rate. She comes from a podunk family of obese addicts. She has no sense of style. She doesn’t network outside of talking to people on discord. She has no interest in “higher arts,” philosophy, anthropology, history, etc. Basically what I’m saying is, unless you relate to Frasier characters and look like you stepped out of some 1990s office, NGMI.

I actually think a couple of these girls have potential to bag a rich guy, but the chances are still low because none of them come from money themselves. Muffy, Kennedi, Miru. Hard maybe on Agatha. All three had the self respect and brains to not loiter around discord and post their pics onto r9k. All make compelling art. All put effort into maintaining their appearance and looking prim, delicate, feminine (with the exception of Agatha). I guess Muffy already got married years ago to someone she posted no details about at 17 though, maybe he was rich. We’ll never know.