Anonymous 08/22/2022 (Mon) 10:20 No.14860 del
>The most easily triggered fragile ego on the internet
No, that would be women, the ones who
>constantly complain that they're victims and have been oppressed for thousands of years
>get mad at being called "female" or "girl"
>get mad when men mention their weight, or how they don't like obese women
>are incapable of receiving banter
>get huffed up when they hear swear words or violence on TV
>freak the fuck out when someone takes "too long" to reply to their text
>shit themselves over laugh reacts on facebook
>become furious when vaginas' shape or hygiene is insulted
>develop beefs with literal children, like when they're dunked on in an online game
>constantly claim compliments are "condescending" or "inauthentic"
>get mad at compliments in general, or being told to "smile more"
>get mad and think they're being "tested" when people ask about their interests
>absolutely cannot handle criticism
>gets deeply offended over receiving advice

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