Anonymous 09/02/2022 (Fri) 15:35 No.15217 del
As promised, here are the archived reddit posts&comments!

ken's comment archive -{%22author%22:%22hubuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuh%22,%22resultSize%22:50000}

ken's post archive -{%22author%22:%22hubuhbuhbuhbuhbuhbuh%22,%22searchFor%22:1,%22resultSize%22:50000}

Deleted reddit account -

Enjoy looking through these, these comments/posts show how extremely passive aggressive, narcissistic, annoying, arrogant, a tad shrewd and very bitchy she really is. Everything from her fight with her EX, wanting to get a restraining order on him, her autistic political takes and her other EX or new boyfriend(s) porn addiction (She admits to sending nudes while not in a relationship as well!) This isn't the full story, she is still "holding back" in a sense here (obviously), the real Kennedi, at least from what I was shown seems to be worse than this.