Anonymous 10/28/2022 (Fri) 19:46 No.16854 del
An important point is that it’s obvious she doesn’t check these threads. I don’t actually think anyone will do anything though. Assuming you’re the same anon from earlier I agree it’s just not feasible and anyone saying otherwise is larping in hopes she reads it. Like Marky, after a certain point they’ve read everything that could possibly be said about them so they check out and stop caring and live their life. But anyway, clearly Ken doesn’t care much anymore. We can all agree on that. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t some real freaks here. Thankfully it’s just not possible to be at every show she has a slight chance of being at. Literally not possible. She goes from city to city all across the state of North Carolina and looking at these venues, there’s a lot of overlap of shows at different ones on the same day, hundreds of miles apart. Not only that but no one has the means of flying or even driving every other day trying to catch a glimpse of her irl, while living from hotel to hotel. No one would actually even want to. What’s the incentive? Seeing her dance? Who actually gives a shit? And we all know that no one would actually kill her, for all the reasons listed above and plenty more.